Sunday, February 19, 2006

God Owns the Details Too

It seems as though people don't come to God because by and large Christians don't seem any happier than anyone else. They figure they will have to follow a lot of rules and will gain nothing. After all, life for Christians appears as hard and bad and miserable as what they are living. Christians trust God with their souls and have full confidence about where they will spend eternity. However, they often fail to trust God in the every day details of their lives and they fail to find the strength to steal their lives out of Satan's clutches. I hope to not fear to live my happiness out loud. I want the world to know that I am saved and blessed beyond belief, all the while deserving none of it. When things are good, we often wait for the other shoe to drop, almost holding our breath, afraid to be too happy for fear that happiness is a fleeting thing. However, life is so short that it does not matter whether or not the happiness lasts. In the end, all that will matter is that you drank it all in, just as it was given to you, and that you loved and you laughed and you played and you feared not the coming hours, knowing that this hour is all that you are guaranteed. To live this moment well is to have accomplished more than the all the most learned figures of history combined have ever done.