Thursday, June 22, 2006

doors and windows

The hardest thing for me to learn is doors and windows. In God's good pleasure he shuts some and opens others. My deal is that I am all the time trying to pry the closed doors back open. What happens then is that I get them slammed in my face. The pattern goes something like this. God gently shuts a door and gestures toward a more appropriate direction. I then say but God I really like what's behind that door. So I open it again. God puts a padlock on it, but I won't stay away from it. Eventually God puts a wall up around the door all together. Guess what I do? I certainly don't do the easy thing. I refuse to just walk around the wall. I either try to dig a route beneath it or I try to scale the thing, but if all else fails I just stand there and bang my head up against the damned thing. Only when the pain outweighs my desire for the thing I am trying so desperately to keep (which God has known all along wasn't in my best interest) do I relinquish it in favor of God's original and perfect plan for my life. All I do is waste time and energy and get hurt when I try to be the pilot of my own life. Life is so much less complex than we realize. If you have prayed diligently about something and it is still going the same way, regardless of the fact that its the opposite of what you wanted, things are still going just as God intended them. It's better a little pain now than a lot later. Contrary to popular belief, if you are seeking God's will for your life, the easy way out is the right way out. "Sometimes walking away from something isn't only the easiest thing to do; it's the right thing to do." As a Chinese kid in my class said of Jackie Chan doing his own stunts "Nobody knows how many hurts there are on his body." Do yourself a favor: stop trying to do stunts that will get you through that door. In other words, if you are not getting a signal, this is not the time to go chase down an antenna.

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