Tuesday, October 03, 2006

I Yell at God!

I was talking to a friend of mine and he made me realize I like to yell at God. I really do. Sometimes, I am too angry at him to talk to him, or do what I call praying. So rather than giving God the silent treatment I just yell at him. I mean why not? So you might be thinking how dare you! The unfortunate events of your life are not God's fault because you probably choose poorly in life or lacked faith with which to move mountains as well as molehills. All of this is most certainly true. However, whether we admit it or not we all get frustrated deep down to our very souls and cores, and even feel empty inside. When I despair to that point and possess that much grief, I have to yell at God, especially since I know he has the power to transform my situation effortlessly if only he would. God wants us to love him enough to get angry with him just as we would our earthly fathers. After all, no one whom you do not love can truly make you angry. God knows what you are thinking and feeling anyways, so there are no extra strikes against you just for vocalizing the emotion. God knows what you are going through but he can't help you unless you ask him too, and he never said we can't ask in a loud and impatient voice. He just said ask and knock. By the way, he also didn't say we couldn't knock the door down. If the only way you can get through the door is with a sledge hammer, I vote you pound on through. You may think it perfectly fine to let off a little steam on your fellow man, yelling at him relentlessly, but more like taboo to yell at God. But consider this: A mortal man is more likely to be impacted by what you say, whereas God will be unharmed by it. Furthermore, God cares far more, is listening with unconditionally loving ears, and has the power to change your world for the better. The man you yell at doesn't care what is making you yell at him, isn't listening because he is thinking of the atrocious things he is about to yell back, and most likely has no power to change your world for the better. So I think it way more productive to yell at God.

I've been so downtrodden at times that I don't even know what to pray. That is to say I don't know what it is I want to transpire in my life. So i yell out to God. I don't know what to ask for! But here I am! I am still here, trusting you to do what is best for me. So do it already, even if it hurts! Just rip off the band aid already. The betwixt and between is killing me. Make me a tool. Make me your brand new Lot! Just make me yours! Mold my spirit to yours. Bend me till I break if you have to so that I will be your creation. I know it's the only way that I will be happy.

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