Wednesday, June 09, 2010


You are not sick. I don't care what your symptoms are. I don't care how you feel. I don't care what you've been diagnosed with. You are not sick. God healed you when he died for you on the cross. However, you have to claim the power of that healing.

No one gets to decide your health besides you and God. I've decided I'm not going to be sick and I've decided I'm not going to a doctor. God is my Great Physician. What more do I need? Do I need to put more faith in an earthly man and allow him to use my body like some chemistry experiment for the latest potion that the drug companies have concocted for him to pass out? Not hardly! Will I live and die according to some man's best guess on what's wrong with me or what will fix me? No, thanks.

I will live and die by faith in the Lord. If I'm wrong and I die of some simple disease that could have been cured by modern medicine, I'm gonna go home anyways and at least I won't have sat in fear and worry waiting for it to kill me, which is what so many people do after the doctor hands them their death sentence. There are a great many people who have lived on simply because they didn't let someone tell them that something was killing them.

The devil is a thief and a liar. He will steal your health, your joy, and your life if you let him because he knows he cannot steal your soul if you belong to the Heavenly Father. Your physical body, however, is of this world and he will bring hell to it if you don't guard yourself. He attacks your body through your mind. He gives you a slight physical manifestation, a symptom, if you will. It can be anything...a sore throat, a fever, swollen gland, pain in the side, irregular heart beat, a rash, and the list goes on. The devil is not without power here, and he has so much more of it than we give him credit for. It's not that he's not a good ventiliquist and puppeteer. He can do all this, and you won't see his lips move and you won't see the strings.

What we must remember is that while it's a very good act, it is nothing more than an act for Christians. Jesus Christ beat him and every demon and power he has on the cross. Therefore, the devil has NO power to determine your reality. He will do his best to convince you that you are very sick and there's something bad wrong with you and that if you don't get yourself to the doctor quick you will ultimately get worse and/or....GASP....DIE. Do not be afraid of death. We are immortal!

This is how easily the devil can take you out of this world if you let him. You get cold like symptoms. At first, you think its just a cold and you take over the counter medicine (first mistake). You don't get better. In fact, you get much worse. You've got a throat that burns, you've got a fever, you've got major fatigue and chills, you don't feel like eating, you feel dehydrated and exhausted. You go to the doctor (second mistake). They put you on antibiotics (third mistake). You don't get better so you go back to this same doctor and he gives you a different antibiotic (fourth mistake). You don't get better so he says he needs to check on your immune system (fifth mistake). Now, the Devil has you poised and ready to get some major disease that he can kill you with. What do we think when our immune system is not top knotch? HIV, cancer, heart failure, etc. Now he has you running scared.

This could be a crucial turning point. Why don't you stop at this point and tell the devil that you are not going to die. There is nothing wrong with you or your immune system except that your body had a pretty strong devil induced annoyance, and your body and your God would have fixed it except for two things. Number 1: you jacked up your body's abilities to heal itself by drugging it up. Number 2: you didn't seek your Heavenly Physician, you sought your earthly one. What good has he done you? Did he cure you? No, because he's a man and a man cannot in his own strength beat the devil, no matter how badly he wants to. This is because he has neither the strength nor the knowledge, and he usually has no clue what he's fighting or what his weapons are.

Here's the thing. The devil can make Christians "feel" sick. He can create symptoms and physical manifestations of sickness, but he cannot determine your reality if you won't let him. Therefore, when the devil shows you a sore throat, a fever, high blood pressure, irregular heart beat, high cholesterol... whatever the case may be tell him you are hip to his plan and you aren't buying it. Tell the are a thief and a liar and you do NOT get to determine the course of my life. I will not live in fear because you show me some symptoms of death. I will not get all frightened and run off to some modern doctor, who is really just a potion man with a lab coat instead of a bone through his nose.

I vote we tell the devil where to stick it. I vote we tell him, I see your numbness in my face radiating into my left arm. I raise you a BRING IT ON. I'm going to pray for my healing and know that if you do succeed in destroying this earthly body that the joke is on you because I'm going home and in the meantime I'm going to torture you by living in faith rather than worry and sickness. After all, the potion man can't cure us. He can only mitigate some of the symptoms some of the time, while giving us new ones (side effects) all along and telling us what to fear by telling us what we are dying from.

I'm not dying. Is my earthly body wasting away? Absolutely! Am I scared? No!
When its done wasting away to the point it is no longer functional, I'm going home. Right now, I'm going to live strong and healthy in the power of my God and I'm going to be every bit as happy as I would be if I weren't worrying about what other shoe the devil is about to drop on me. The devil will drop a bomb on you whenever he gets the chance, but your Savior is more powerful than all these things. Do not be afraid to look the devil in the face and laugh at him as you stand in the shadow of your Father's wings.

1 comment:

Unknown said...


I was reading your blog and ran across your message on "Healing". I think you will find the linked article related to your post. I believe it will greatly edify your soul. I will be curious to know your thoughts.

In Christ,

Jeff Hancock