I haven't written in this thing since I started working. It's crazy how work drains you and makes you somewhat empty, like a shell of a person. It's important to fight against that. We have a tendency it seems to work our 40 hour a week job and during a time off we just want to eat, sleep, and watch tv. We need to fight against that with everything we have. I think God meant us to be so much more. He meant us to think, strive for more, pray, read, run, do things to make the lives of others better. I never used to understand why work made people so tired, but now I do. An 8 hour day really is forever and we tend to leave the best of ourselves there. But I still think it important to rise above that in as much as is possible. Try every day to (number one) spend some time with God, which will help with this next thing. Try every day to learn something knew, try hard to accomplish something or experience something new. Do something that will enrich you as a human being. Do something that will delve below the surface layer of humanity. Draw, write, read, walk; go find nature, go find yourself....GO FIND GOD! Sure he can be at work andyou will see more of him based upon your attitude and daily behavior toward others, but work is the place where you put into practice the things you learn about God when you aren't there. SO if you aren't learning about God and you aren't learning about yourself when you aren't at work there really just isn't anything for you to contribute to others when you are there.
At the end of each exhausting day, recharge your batteries by seeking God. Most of all, ask yourself what you took from God to give to others. Being a Christian is a give and take relationship, it is taking from God all that he is offering and spreading it as thickly as you can over as many people as you can. Learn to laugh and dance through life and teach others the steps.
I'm seeking a peace and a solitude that only comes through God. No earthly being: family, friend, or foe can help me with that. My great desire is to truly live and I want to laugh and I want to dance and I want to be silly about everything because life is an invaluable nonrenewable resource. With this being the case, I take one job seriously, and it is not the one I spend 8 hours a day five days a week at. It is the job of spreading God's light. I'm his little candle. So "this little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine."
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