Thursday, February 15, 2007

discernment from the temple

Should not the architect that built the beautiful temple that is my body get to rejoice in it? How can God do that if I allow squatters to come in and trash the place and cause property values to plummit?

We are human and fragile and weak and the sons of satan are scavengers prowling the earth and finishing off all of us who are not standing on the promises of God. Therefore, I pray the spirit of discernment in our lives. Ever step we take in which we are not walking in the Lord is a faltering step. I pray that I be immobilized whenever I'm not walking in the Lord.

We sin out of fear. We sin because we don't trust God to deliver on his promises. We think, "I have to do this because I haven't heard anything out of God in awhile and 'what if...'"

I pray for all of us women, Lord. I pray that you put a force fieled of protection around our hearts. Do not let us be pursued by any man whose heart and soul do not belong to you first and foremost. Furthermore, should one begin to pursue, allow us the spirit of discernment to see past his charm into the ugliness of his sin, just as God does, and let us laugh in his face as he dances around in his mask believing we don't know his true identity and that his father is Satan and not you.

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