I feel like an alien here, but God promised me I would.
Try telling people what you believe about living the life of a Christian, and they look at you like you have more than a few screws loose, even other Christians.
People closest to you will tell you that you aren't being realistic and living that way is not even practical.
Is it any wonder they say this? Let's revisit the first sentence: God promised us we would be aliens here. Besides that, God told us that we are not the ones being rejected. We are rejected because they first rejected Him.
This is not your home so don't live here like you are all cozy and wallow around in the slum and sin of the world.
Our Heavenly Father said, "If you love me, obey my commands." That's what I'm striving to do; I'm not always successful and I fail time and again, which is why I thank God for His grace and His mercy. However, what matters to God is that we adopt the attitude of Paul. We have to fight the good fight, we have to finish the race, and above all we have to keep the faith.
Faith is what you makes you willingly live a life contrary to all the lives around you, whatever it costs you here. I may not ever fully experience all the pleasures of this world, but what I do know is that any earthly sacrifice is nothing in comparison with the joy and fullness of a life lived for something greater than yourself, something so much greater than the superficial "happiness" of a life lived for things that are perishing and people who are but a breath.
I'm living my life for a Heavenly Father who is eternal and unshakeable. It is for this that I'm not willing to risk that which lasts forever on that which, at best, lasts 70 years but that could most likely disappear in the blink of an eye.
It all comes down to what you believe. I would be one of the top sinners indulging in the flesh if I did not believe that I have an eternal soul that is going one of two places after this earthly body fades away. Rather than a life of eternity in hell with shame and pain and "knashing of teeth," I choose a life of eternal holy joy and peace with my Father in Heaven.
Accepting the sacrifice of Jesus Christ is the way to get there. It's a catch 22 though because having accepted that sacrifice for the gift it is I cannot help but devote my life to Him. Through it all, I find peace here, amidst the schemes and whiles of the devil because try as he might to discourage me and make me believe that Jesus Christ is not all He claims to be, the devil has no dominion over me. I belong to Jesus Christ and my name is in the Book of Life. :)
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