The way he's dressed in blue
Reminds me of You
Baby, I don't know what to do
You were my dream come true.
A sick person will beat a sane person any day if the sane person plays.
We have nothing of value to give one another unless we have given what we have to God.
He is what makes us valuable.
He takes a heart of greed, anger, jealousy, and betrayal and fills it full of love, kindness, forgiveness and understanding.
Don't give me your valueless heart.
Give it to God so you have something of value to give me.
What am I looking for?
The byproducts of God.
I'll walk the tightrope that's been stretched for me, and than a wrinkled forehead, perplexed why, will accompany me, I'll delicately step along. For if I stop to sigh at the eather-propped stride of others I will fall. I must balance high without a parasol to tide a faltering step, without a net below, without a balance stick to guide. - Margaret Danner
If only we'd stop trying to enjoy ourselves, we'd have a pretty good time.
You can bark all you want to but that doesn't make your chain any longer.
I've cruised on blue sky days in a red Camaro down the coast.
I've danced into the wee hours of may nights with a guy named Bud.
I've leapt off the edge of many swimming pools fully clothed.
I've crossed creeks on fallen trees.
I've driven to many of my destinations like a bat out of hell.
I've run thousands of miles in circles.
I've acquired more friends than I've lost.
I've dug my toes deep into the sand and flung my net out as far as I could.
I've spend a great night on a train with a good friend headed to an awful city.
I've yelled at kids for doing things I loved to do with a smile I couldn't hide.
I've written my own language and laughed until my ribs hurt.
I've hand fed kittens that would not have otherwise become cats.
I've spent more days lying on my back soaking up the glory God put into the world than I have learning about what the hell we've done wrong in it.
I've sought and found solace rather than living a life filled with pain, misery or self doubt.
I've sat on a yacht anchored in a harbor with three men I did not love, with a sandwich in one hand and a beer in the other and considered myself blessed.
I've regularly avoided those who vocalize my silent fears; that's not what inspires people.
I've loved two men, neither of whom knew their own worth or what to value.
I've sat inebriated on Christmas in a movie with both my parents.
I've often laughed when nothing was funny and cried when nothing was sad.
I've taken pictures of a million moments and miracles I couldn't take with me.
I've failed in a major way only to discover that failure enriched my soul more than all my successes.
Maybe we were never meant to swear an oath to anyone but God.
Maybe if we swear an oath to God, an oath to anyone else is superfluous.
If we give our oath to God we cannot help but keep our oaths to others.
God said let your yes be yes and your no be no.
Our primary, predominant pledge is reserved for God, shifting all other promises to a dependent position, yet no less valuable.
If your pledge to God is what it should be, your pledge to others cannot help but be more than good enough. Jesus sits at the right hand of God and dictates to what we pledge ours.
Blessed are those struggle through this life, who don't fit in but painfully stand out.
Blessed are those who cannot silence the differences you placed in their souls in order to conform to the dictates of this world.
Blessed are those who know the turmoil of a life without you and recognize what it is they are going through.
Blessed are we who have been in disobedience to you, who have betrayed you through our actions because it is we who have felt your sweet forgiveness and learned the meaning of love unconditional.
Blessed are we who have stood toe to toe with Satan himself and used no strength of our own but rather the power of your Name to vanquish him.
God would leave all his saints to go in search of one lost sheep. In fact while Jesus was on earth, he neglected the righteous, knowing it is the sick who need a doctor-the sinners who needed him most.
Also, Jesus knew that those who had the most to be forgiven for where the ones most grateful for his love and forgiveness.
Those men in the Bible who could almost keep the law, aside from their inherent corruption as members of the human race, reveled in their own goodness while the sinners praised Jesus and washed his feet with tears and dried them with the very hairs of their heads.
For this reason, God would prefer a repentant murderer, rapist, or homosexual to a missionary, nun or preacher who lacks a repentant heart.
While true that faith without works is dead and those who love the Lord will do as he commands, you still cannot be good enough to earn the gift he has given us or bad enough not to deserve it.
When you're happy, there's no reason not to be.
She just jokes around too seriously.
Because I couldn't find the future, the Lord let me discover the past in the now.
Lord, every time I've ever hit rock bottom, I've found that you were the rock I was standing upon. Lord, when all else is stripped away, you remain.
You remember back when I had Aaron?
No you don't because you weren't there.
You want a cupcake?
No I don't have any!
I thought Satan was stupid because if he would just let us be happy and at peace, we would never search for God, but then I realized God is our creator and he designed us with a God sized hole in our hearts. Therefore, try as he might to make us happy Satan is not equal to the task. The hole in our hearts is God sized not Satan sized. All the pleasures of this earth mean nothing to us without God.
A kidnapper can give you everything you always wanted, but all you will ever really want is your family. Satan has kidnapped your soul and it is homesick. All this world has to offer is not enough to quell your overwhelming homesickness and longing for your Father. Lord, carry us all the way from rock bottom, straight to paradise.
I challenge you to overestimate God's power. You will not be able to do it. For it is impossible because God is limitless. His power in our lives is limitless so long as we don't put restrictions and conditions on Him. A contract with God is an exchange of unequal values. He gives us a power and love without limits as well as eternal life and all we give him is our filthy ragged orphan soul. It is also a contact of adhesion, meaning only one party to the contract writes the terms and that's God. It's his deal and you can choose to take it or leave it.
God is your only independent asset with all other things in life being worth nothing without him. Spend all your time overestimating God as much as you can so that you can begin to catch a glimpse of all the splendor and majesty that comprises Him. Also, don't forget to properly estimate Satan. Don't underestimate him because he does have power over this world and power over you if you don't guard against him.
Therefore, weigh his power, assess his strengths as your adversary. Then, use your pitiful overestimation of God's power to make Satan a footstool beneath your feet. I call any over estimation of God's power pitiful because we are incapable of understanding God's capabilities as our righteous King.
Should not the architect who built the beautiful temple that is my body get to rejoice in it?
How can God do that if allow squatters to come in and trash the place and cause the property values to plummet?
We are human and fragile and weak and the sons of Satan are scavengers prowling the earth and finishing off all of us who are not standing on the promises of God. Therefore, I pray the spirit of discernment in our lives. Every step we take in which we are not walking in the Lord is a faltering step. I pray that we be immobilized whenever not walking with the Lord.
We sin out of fear. We sin because we don't trust God to deliver on his promises. We think I have do this or that because I haven't heard anything out of God.
I pray for all of us women, Lord. I pray that you put a force field of protection around our hearts. Do not let us be pursued by any man whose heart does not belong to you first and foremost. Furthermore, should one begin to pursue, allow us the spirit of discernment to see past his charm into the ugliness of his sin so that we can laugh in his face as he dances around in his mask, believing that we don't know his true identity and that his father is Satan and not you.
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