Lately, we have been studying the Holy Spirit on Wednesday nights at church. The pastor always asks us to give examples of how the Holy Spirit has been working in our lives. Well, it goes a little something like this. He has given me blessings upon blessings. He has acted as a spirit of healing. My French professor recently had open heart surgery and we put him on the prayer list at my church and he was there this Sunday for the first time, looking as well as I have ever seen him. I could not hide my sheer joy and excitement, yet found no need to. Aside from that, the Holy Spirit has acted as my spirit of protection. I recently had oral surgery to have an abcessed tooth extracted and a bone graft put in since I had bone loss, given that the problem had gone on for about ten months. I was completely unaware of it because I had no pain associated with it but it turns out that it was a major problem. In the middle of papers and final exams is when this problem decided to reach its peak, yet I didn't miss a single deadline and made A's on all my finals. However, I left school headed for home late one Sunday night because I was to have my stitches out the next morning. The drive is two and a half hours long. It began to rain just as I got in the car. To make a long story, shorter, I ended up hydroplaning, fish tailing, and then spinning around all over the road and into the median. I was not hurt in the least nor did I lose my composure. I simply drove back on the road. I realized that I had a flat tire so I made it to a nearby rest stop. I got out in the rain and changed my tire. I was exhausted and soaked from head to foot by the time it was over, but I managed it and with no help from anyone but God. I drove 50 mph all the way home on my doughnut. It took me four hours to get home from the time I left and I made it by 3:30 am.
This is the work of the Holy Spirit because it couldn't have been a worse event from which nothing bad came of it. First off, if it hadn't been so late at night, there would have been other cars all around for me to hit as I spun. Also, there was nothing out there for me to hit--no guardrails, no signs, no drainage ditches, nothing. It was just grass. Also, I knew how to change a tire since I had done it before when I had two flat tires simultaneously about six months prior. At that time, I had my good friend there to help me figure it all out and get me back home again. Funny how that seemingly awful event ended up being a great blessing to me. This is a great example of the reason why we should thank God at all times and for all things in all situations. "All things work for the good of those who love Him." If it hadn't been for that, I would have entirely flipped out . Not only that, but there was the rest stop which was a great place to change my tire. Furthermore, I had a change of clothes in my car and a place to change out of my soaking wet clothes. I firmly believe that nothing happens to us of any great significance without it being the will of God. We are constantly and consistently under his protection. In other words, I don't think God "accidentally" lets us die or become paralyzed or any such thing. I think all things of significance, all life altering events, are a part of His plan for our lives.
Another way the Holy Spirit was working was as a spirit of prayer. My mom sensed my impending danger associated with being on the road and had been apprehensive for the two weeks prior to my accident about me driving. The Holy Spirit put it on her heart to pray for me, especially whenever I was going to be on the road. As a result of her prayers, I am sure that all of the little things that came together to help me through the experience were a result of her prayers. It has been a crazy few weeks, but all I can think to be is thankful and all I can feel is happy and blessed to be alive. I know that there is no place on this earth where I tread that my Heavenly Father does not go with me. He lives in me through his Holy Spirit, just as He lives in all of His children.
Thursday, December 08, 2005
So I knew I was a sinner, but I think I am realizing I am even a worst sinner than I orginally believed or imagined. "There are none that do good; no not one." "All fall short of the glory." I sure am glad that we are saved by grace because there is no way in hell I would get to heaven any other way. I know I sin and that I am a total flunky and screw up. I just hope that God can say to me some day, "you know my favorite thing about you, kiddo? I love the way that you loved life; you loved it when it was good and you loved it when it was bad. You lived each moment and always looked for the beautiful, and you sought me through it all. You never gave up and you always put your heart and soul into all that you did. You never let the bad things of this world tarnish your spririt or make you bitter. You loved yourself and you loved those around you. Most importantly, you loved me and you accepted my great love and sacrifice for you, knowing all the while that you didn't deserve it." I want God to be able to say that to me. "Kid, you are a total loser, but you are my loser, so you have just won paradise for all of eternity." The bottomline is: you are a loser. We all are! But you can win even though you lose. Sometimes, the hardest thing to do is to let go of your pride and your fear and any belief that you may have that you are in control of your life. You can't control your life! All is beyond your control. Either God controls your life or the Devil will control your life. Whose loser do you want to be?
Monday, November 07, 2005
Happy Am I
I have this crazy professor. He talks more about being in a special forces unit in the Amazon than he lectures. Anyways, he lived amongst the Whappashani (spelling most certainly wrong) Indians for 16 months. He described their culture and lives. I have never been so thankful to live here in America. The women in their tribe have babies without any kind of drugs and without any help whatsoever from anyone. To clean the newborn they lick it just like animals do and they cut the umbilical cord with a shell. After all this, they return to the fields to work all day, while the husband gets to rest for the next three days after the child is born. Then after returning from the field the woman cooks the man supper. Forget the society being sexist. They cut the calves of the men with a shell and rub salt in the wounds for six hours and if they cry out in pain they are not a warrior and if they are not a warrior they kill them. They drink masticated fermented banana beer and eat raw snake meat. They have worms living all up in their bodies. I'm very very very blessed and so terribly happy to have doctors, pain killers, Budweiswer, and Hot Pockets. There are very few Americans who have any sort of excuse to be anything but happy.
Sunday, October 30, 2005
Crooked Sticks
"What do you learn by putting two crooked sticks down next to each other? Nothing. If you want to know if a stick is crooked or not, you have to put it down next to a straight stick. Jesus is the perfect straight stick."
Brother Ottis Derrah
Brother Ottis Derrah
10 Year Bonus
I have lost two grandparents in seventeen days (same set). However, I have no sadness for I believe them in Heaven and better off now than they were before. Psalm 90 tells us that we get 70 years on this earth, 80 if we have the strength. They both had 80 so I figure that means they both got a ten year bonus. To me, it doesn't get any better than that. I went to my grandma's funeral this weekend and watched people cry for the sadness of my mom and aunt. I did not cry. I figure if I cry for them that does them no good. Instead of casting down tears for them I cast up prayers for them. For I know that the more I pray the sooner God will fix whatever the problem is. "All things work for the good of those who love him."
Jesus is my rock, rock, rock. He taught me how to roll, roll, roll!
Jesus is my rock, rock, rock. He taught me how to roll, roll, roll!
Faith Sublime
"God has frequently to knock the bottom board out of your experience if you are a saint in order to get you into contact with Himself. God wants you to understand that it is a life of faith, not a life of sentimental enjoyment of his blessings. ....I will remain true to God's character whatever He may do, "Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him"--this is the most sublime utterance of faith in the whole of the Bible."
---Oswald Chambers, My Utmost For His Highest
---Oswald Chambers, My Utmost For His Highest
Sunday, October 23, 2005
The thing I can't seem to understand about relationships is why we have to hurt one another. I mean it just seems like you should be able to have a relationship with a member of the opposite sex and not spend most of your time making one another feel bad. I don't know of a single relationship where the guy and the girl don't end up doing one another more harm than good. They leave each other broken and scarred and then go on to repeat the process with someone else. I know it's not possible for it to be anything but good all throughout and then have a happy ending, but I do ever so wish that this were the case.
Sunday, October 16, 2005
Love and illusion
Just figures! God must have a sense of humor. He gives me the perfect relationship with the perfect guy at just the perfect time. Then I screw it up. Yes, leave it to me. I do the most wrong thing at the most wrong time. I swear I don't have a brain in my head. If I had one, I do believe I would be dangerous. "If it is illusion, it will screw me up. If it is love, I will screw it up." At any rate, this has been the most magical and fun month of my life. I wouldnt trade it for the world. The experience was worth it even though it is not likely to last. No matter how it ends up or what happens from here on out, nothing can diminish the value of the moment. To connect on such a high level with another human being, even if only for a moment, has to be the most beautiful experience I have had in my life that wasn't spiritual. I guess it is fitting that he called me butterfly and I called him shooting star because the two of us promise to be just as fleeting.
Friday, October 14, 2005
Ask For What You Want
Perhaps, I have given the impression that Christians who have a tight relationship with their Lord and Savior will never experience stress and worry. That is totally inaccurate. However, there is a difference. Christians should approach it all with the confidence of people who know that no matter what it is or how bad it is, that it is only temporary, just as their earthly bodies are temporary and will one day return to dust. "The darkest hour is only sixty minutes long." No matter the sorrow of the night, joy comes in the morning. Yeah, life is tough, and you will get thrashed about by it sometimes. However, keep stillness in side of you in the midst of the chaos and God will whisper secrets in your ear. Whatever happens to you, look at is an opportunity to show God's grace and faithfulness at work in your life. Share your confidence that the situation will all be okay because you are a child of the living God who is bigger than anything that is going to happen to you today. Also, know that He is your strength and that with Him you can do twice what you think you can do. If you think you can run off six hours of sleep, you can run off 3. If you think, you can run two miles, you can run four. If you think you can study five hours, you can study ten. If you are struggling with something, ask God for what you want. His promise is that if you ask for something in his name that it will be given unto you.
P.S. "If you think you are going through hell, keep going."
P.S. "If you think you are going through hell, keep going."
Friday, October 07, 2005
My Peace I Give You
I'm beginning to think that it's not really hard work and lack of sleep that makes people tired. It is the toll of stress and worry in their lives. Therefore, just work hard and do what you can do. Then, pray that God takes care of you and that his will be done. Here comes the hard part: don't worry about a thing. Have total and complete confidence that you will be taken care of. "The lilies of the field toil not but not even Solomon in all his splendor was adorned like one of these." In other words, the Lord is well aware of your needs and you will be cared for, as you are more important than the lilies who are here today and gone tomorrow. John 14: 27 "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid."
Monday, October 03, 2005
God's way
I asked God to help me let go of something I had been holding on to for such a long time. Funny thing is I think he is doing just that, but it certainly isn't any fun for me. I thought it would be a gradual process, but I asked for it and it feels like He is ripping it away from me. God knows what we need better than we do. This is probably one of those situations where He can see that it is best that He just rip the band-aid off rather than pulling it off slowly. He is thinking better a big bunch of pain all at once and then it will be over than to just keep dragging out the process. God's way, will, and timing for my life are all so perfect. I pray that he just give me the strength to hang on for the ride.
Saturday, October 01, 2005
Only Heaven Knows, Only Heaven Shows...
There is a song by Oleander that says, "Only heaven knows, only heaven shows the way back to everything you know and love." In life there will be trouble and strife and struggle and suffering and pain. There is a quote that says, "You may not can keep the birds of sorrow from flying over head but you can keep them from nesting in your hair." Don't fool yourself though. It doesn't matter what you are struggling with, you can't do it by yourself. It will tear you down and destroy you, if it's bad enough. You can't carry the weight of the world on your shoulders, and you were never intended to. God made absolutely certain that we weren't physically strong enough to do this. That's why stress gives us such adverse affects. Stress and worry are simply the absense of a close personal faith based relationship with your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. There is a quote that says, "if the devil can't make you bad, he will make you busy." Is your life too hard? Do you have more than you could possibly get done in the time that you have? There is a quote by a man that had it figured out, "I have so much to do that I must spend several hours in prayer before I am able to do it."
There are so many Christians that are saved and are going to heaven, but they aren't experiencing the "abundant life" they have been promised. It's not because they don't pray and it's not because they don't seek God. It is because when they pray and ask for God's help, they don't really turn it all over to him. They still try to hang on to it and fix the problem themselves. The devil has blinded them to the power of God to reach into every minute detail of their lives and transform it. God promises us that if we have even a mustard seed worth of faith that we can move mountains. He also promises that us that whatever we ask for in his name will be done.
There is nothing you are experiencing that God cannot fix. Nothing is bigger than God. However, you have to "let go and let God." God cannot be your co-pilot. He has to be the pilot or he isn't going to do the navigating in your life. When you pray, you have to invoke the promises that he gives us in the Bible. Once you pray about something, give it fully to God. Don't carry the burden of it any longer. Hand it over!!! This means that once you have prayed about it have absolute confidence that it will be taken care of. Don't continue to worry about it. You cannot be good enough, talented enough, or work hard enough to fix the problems in your life. Only God can do this. Futhermore, you cannot improve your efforts by worrying nor can you add a single hour to your life. There is a quote by Rick Bragg in All Over But the Shoutin' that says, "I can't fix everything that is wrong, flawed or broken in my past." There is no truer statement than that. God is in charge of that.
I am not the most moral person you will ever meet, not the most saintly, not the most upright nor righteous I do try to live my life as God would have me to, but I daily fall so fall short of the glory that is God that it's not funny. However, my Lord said that "love covers over a multitude of sins." My God is a God of love and he daily blesses me beyond belief and it takes me so by surprise that I can think of nothing to do but to stand in awe of him and to be thankful. My point is that many live more moral lives than I do, but I don't believe them to be any closer to God nor to be more blessed than I myself am. God knows we are all screw ups, defective so to speak. If he didn't, he would never have sent his son Jesus to save us from ourselves....from the wicknedness and evil that is stored up in our hearts and minds, which prevents us from keeping the law. The point is that we can't be good enough to deserve the love, blessings, and mercy that derive from the Lord. The only thing I can think of to say in conclusion is: "Lord thank you for this good life and forgive us if we don't love you enough."
There are so many Christians that are saved and are going to heaven, but they aren't experiencing the "abundant life" they have been promised. It's not because they don't pray and it's not because they don't seek God. It is because when they pray and ask for God's help, they don't really turn it all over to him. They still try to hang on to it and fix the problem themselves. The devil has blinded them to the power of God to reach into every minute detail of their lives and transform it. God promises us that if we have even a mustard seed worth of faith that we can move mountains. He also promises that us that whatever we ask for in his name will be done.
There is nothing you are experiencing that God cannot fix. Nothing is bigger than God. However, you have to "let go and let God." God cannot be your co-pilot. He has to be the pilot or he isn't going to do the navigating in your life. When you pray, you have to invoke the promises that he gives us in the Bible. Once you pray about something, give it fully to God. Don't carry the burden of it any longer. Hand it over!!! This means that once you have prayed about it have absolute confidence that it will be taken care of. Don't continue to worry about it. You cannot be good enough, talented enough, or work hard enough to fix the problems in your life. Only God can do this. Futhermore, you cannot improve your efforts by worrying nor can you add a single hour to your life. There is a quote by Rick Bragg in All Over But the Shoutin' that says, "I can't fix everything that is wrong, flawed or broken in my past." There is no truer statement than that. God is in charge of that.
I am not the most moral person you will ever meet, not the most saintly, not the most upright nor righteous I do try to live my life as God would have me to, but I daily fall so fall short of the glory that is God that it's not funny. However, my Lord said that "love covers over a multitude of sins." My God is a God of love and he daily blesses me beyond belief and it takes me so by surprise that I can think of nothing to do but to stand in awe of him and to be thankful. My point is that many live more moral lives than I do, but I don't believe them to be any closer to God nor to be more blessed than I myself am. God knows we are all screw ups, defective so to speak. If he didn't, he would never have sent his son Jesus to save us from ourselves....from the wicknedness and evil that is stored up in our hearts and minds, which prevents us from keeping the law. The point is that we can't be good enough to deserve the love, blessings, and mercy that derive from the Lord. The only thing I can think of to say in conclusion is: "Lord thank you for this good life and forgive us if we don't love you enough."
Thursday, September 29, 2005
Blood of Christ
Every Thursday night is Common Meal. I look forward to it all week. All my friends are there, it is only a $1.50, and the food is great. Besides all that, we do communion. My roommate was sitting next to me and when it came time to pass the blood/wine/grape juice, she said "the blood of Christ poured out for you, now get it yourself." She said that because she was having trouble holding the tray and handing me a cup at the same time, but it was just hilarious, ironic, and ever so true. The blood of Christ has been poured out for all of us, but in order to receive the benefits of that great love and sacrifice, we do have to get it ourselves.
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Nursing Home Secrets
It feels like the people in the nursing home have secrets. It's almost like they are so close to the other side that they know things that we don't yet know. The stuff that they tell you when you go in there is rather simplistic but considering the source it seems to speak volumes. For instance, there is one lady in the nursing home, who whenever I am there to see my grandmother, always says to my mom and me before we leave, "have a great time." She doesn't say have a nice day or take care or any such thing as that. No! She always says have a great time. Maybe its just me, but I really do think there is something to that. It's like she knows how short life is and is trying in some small way to convey that to us.
Monday, September 26, 2005
Don't Suffer
Our lives seem to be controlled by whatever blow hits us next, sending us lurching from headache to heartache to horrow story. But we can choose how we respond emotionally. We can choose to hold on to the One who promises never to leave us.
~Barbara Johnson
~Barbara Johnson
Saturday, September 24, 2005
God is my crutch
Some people say that people just use God and religion as a crutch. You are damn straight! Why should it be any other way? This world is too terrible a place to make it through on your own. To tell the truth, I can't imagine trying to make it through even one day without God. I can't fathom a world without his love and protection and wouldn't want to have to. Nothing gives me greater happiness than to know with complete confidence that the Lord is in control of my life. That means that no matter what comes, good or bad, I will always be taken care of. I can always have hope for the future and no situation will ever be so bad that I can't make it through. Jesus came "that we may have life and have it more abundantly." As Christians we should know that if our lives don't turn out like we wanted them to, it doesn't mean that they haven't turned out just as God wanted them to, which is infinitely better anyways if we will just look for what he wanted us to see when he changed the course of things.
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
My Cut Runneth Over
So I was talking to a friend of mine online about the meaning of happiness and feeling truly blessed. I was trying to quote the Bible and say, "My cup runneth over." However, I ended up typing, "my cut runneth over." The first thing that I could think of was how hilarious that it was and how that had to be the most ironic typo ever. The next thing I thought was, "my cut runneth over, but at least nobody poured salt in it. At any rate, I just thought of God as having a sense of humor. I think he created us primarily for his own entertainment, which explains free will. Can you imagine if you owned everything, were in control of everything, and had no equal, how bored and lonely you might find yourself at times? That's why I think God has us. He gets to look down from heaven and watch us make the same mistakes over and over again. I could be wrong, but I like to think of him sitting up there smiling down, shaking his head, and saying, "you stupid, kid, will you ever learn?" I guess there is a possibility that he is angry at us when we mess up like He was in the Old Testament, but since Jesus came and saved us from the sins that were seperating us from God, I think that is no longer the case, especially since it was only the sin that God could not stand and never us.
I think more than anything God wants us to see the joy and beauty all around us, which he has created, and he wants us to reflect those same two things in our own lives as testaments to the work that He is doing in us daily. I also think God wants us to see the humor in everything and to appreciate each breath that we take. I intend to do just that; as Rudyard Kipling once said, "I've taken my fun where I've found it." "There is no duty that a man so underrates at that of being happy." All other animals know that the principal purpose of life is to enjoy it."
I think more than anything God wants us to see the joy and beauty all around us, which he has created, and he wants us to reflect those same two things in our own lives as testaments to the work that He is doing in us daily. I also think God wants us to see the humor in everything and to appreciate each breath that we take. I intend to do just that; as Rudyard Kipling once said, "I've taken my fun where I've found it." "There is no duty that a man so underrates at that of being happy." All other animals know that the principal purpose of life is to enjoy it."
Monday, September 19, 2005
Life Is a Trip!
Life is a trip and a hell of a ride. The destination is nothing; the road is all. " All paths lead no where so choose one that has heart." The entire experience from birth to death is entirely crazy. It is completely impossible to go through it without ever experiencing any sort of suffering or pain. That being the case, live it out loud. Don't live your life in worry or fear of the consequences of your actions. Make a mess. Have the courage to royally screw up your life. Just be sure to enjoy every minute of it. No matter what you do, you are going to screw it all up, so why not have a good time with it? "Twenty years from now, you will regret more the things you did not do rather than the ones you did." Furthermore, "You are only given a little spark of madness. You musn't lose it." We are all crazy; at least, the best of us are. I would rather be crazy and know it than to think myself sane and have doubts.
I think failure used to be my greatest fear. I don't believe that it is any longer. I think my greatest fear now is that I won't live the moments of my life well. All our lives are is a series of moments and to live each one well is to have suceeded and to have had a blast for what litle time you are here. My goal in life is to do the best that I can for each day. I want to work hard and play hard and do the best by other people as I can. I want to be stupid and silly and make a fool out of myself. "I want to dance like nobody is watching and love like it's never going to hurt." I want to see the humor and the beauty in everything. "Your life will never be extraordinary until you can the beautiful tucked inside the mundane." So much of all that is around us is such a blessing and a miracle but we often fail to see it because we are too wrapped up in ourselves to raise our heads up and look around. "We are all in the gutter, some of us just tend to look up at the stars."
Jesus is my Lord and I want to do my best to keep his commandments and find his will for my life. Other than that, I want to "party all the time, party all the time." I hope to be the eighty year old woman sitting around in the nursing home laughing all the time, saying, "That was a hell of a ride." It's like the Sister Hazel song, "I'm in the moment. The one where nothing else matters and everything is alright." Do the things you want to do today. Tomorrow is not guaranteed and right now is all you have. "It is shining like a star in your hand and melting like a snowflake."
I think failure used to be my greatest fear. I don't believe that it is any longer. I think my greatest fear now is that I won't live the moments of my life well. All our lives are is a series of moments and to live each one well is to have suceeded and to have had a blast for what litle time you are here. My goal in life is to do the best that I can for each day. I want to work hard and play hard and do the best by other people as I can. I want to be stupid and silly and make a fool out of myself. "I want to dance like nobody is watching and love like it's never going to hurt." I want to see the humor and the beauty in everything. "Your life will never be extraordinary until you can the beautiful tucked inside the mundane." So much of all that is around us is such a blessing and a miracle but we often fail to see it because we are too wrapped up in ourselves to raise our heads up and look around. "We are all in the gutter, some of us just tend to look up at the stars."
Jesus is my Lord and I want to do my best to keep his commandments and find his will for my life. Other than that, I want to "party all the time, party all the time." I hope to be the eighty year old woman sitting around in the nursing home laughing all the time, saying, "That was a hell of a ride." It's like the Sister Hazel song, "I'm in the moment. The one where nothing else matters and everything is alright." Do the things you want to do today. Tomorrow is not guaranteed and right now is all you have. "It is shining like a star in your hand and melting like a snowflake."
Saturday, September 17, 2005
For awhile, I did not understand how my grandmother and her roommate could sit in the nursing home in their wheelchairs all day long without any television, no radio, nothing. Then I thought that maybe being in their mental state was like being in the kind of daze you have when you first wake up. It's where you are not completely focused on anything, nothing is terribly important in that moment, and you don't really feel particularly good or bad. In the mornings when I first wake up, I don't care if I just lay there and stare at the ceiling or if the television is on. I feel completely content to be devoid of external stimulation. Perhaps that is why my grandmother expresses no interest in being entertained. At least that is the way that I like to think about it.
The Natural Course
Today I saw one of the saddest, yet most beautiful things I have ever witnessed. My grandmother recently had a stoke and is in the nursing home dying. We are all dying, given that we begin to die the moment we are born. However, she is considerably closer to that end of the spectrum than I believe myself to be. On the other hand, I could go tomorrow. At any rate, my mom holds on to the hope that she is going to get better and go home. My mom fights to keep her here and she is ready to go home to her Lord. My mom sits and stares at her the whole time we are there and scarcely takes her eyes off her. My grandmother looks right back at her, as if to say "let me go." I am not upset about the condition of my grandmother because she has let go of this life and is ready to give up "the good fight." The only thing that upsets me is to see how deeply it affects my mom. My grandmother has been trying to tell my mom the whole time she has been there that she is never going to get better. She says I am old and I am not getting any better. Today my mom said to her, "you have to stop getting up on your own and falling or you will never get any better," and her reply was simply, "so." My grandmother expresses no interest in leaving the nursing home, of reading, watching tv, listening to music, playing on the computer, or knitting, which are all things she used to enjoy. To me that is the surest sign that you are not long for here: when there is nothing left that you want to do.
I will miss my grandmother when she passes away but I have a real peace about it. She is saved and is at peace about dying. For instance, my grandmother has periods of rebounding and then worsening again, and on one of her bad days, one in which she wasn't very lucid, she looked at my mom and me and said, "I'm slipping back again, and ya'll are worried, but I'm just enjoying it." Knowing that she isn't afraid and that she is going to heaven makes it all okay for me. "Wouldn't you be happy for your friend if she were going to Hawaii? Heaven is a whole lot better than Hawaii." I love to be around my grandmother right now. It's like she is not completely in this world, and that part of her is already in the other world. It makes me feel like she knows a lot of answers that I do not yet know. I am just thankful to have this experience because I know that it will give me a foundation for letting going of my parents when the time comes.
Death is a part of life. It's the natural course of things. If you live to be twenty years old and your grandparents are still alive, consider yourself lucky. If you yourself live to be at least seventy, consider yourself lucky. The Bible gives us seventy years to live, which means anything on top of that is bonus. We live only to die in the end, making it a part of life. To me, that is not sad. What is sad is people who are dying to live rather than living to die. Life is precious and fragile and short, so truly live yours. Allow yourself to have the experience of truly being alive. You think life is hard and not worth the living? Go spend about ten minutes walking through a nusing home, and you'll learn to appreciate it and to complain a little less. Being that close to death allows you to see life more clearly.
I will miss my grandmother when she passes away but I have a real peace about it. She is saved and is at peace about dying. For instance, my grandmother has periods of rebounding and then worsening again, and on one of her bad days, one in which she wasn't very lucid, she looked at my mom and me and said, "I'm slipping back again, and ya'll are worried, but I'm just enjoying it." Knowing that she isn't afraid and that she is going to heaven makes it all okay for me. "Wouldn't you be happy for your friend if she were going to Hawaii? Heaven is a whole lot better than Hawaii." I love to be around my grandmother right now. It's like she is not completely in this world, and that part of her is already in the other world. It makes me feel like she knows a lot of answers that I do not yet know. I am just thankful to have this experience because I know that it will give me a foundation for letting going of my parents when the time comes.
Death is a part of life. It's the natural course of things. If you live to be twenty years old and your grandparents are still alive, consider yourself lucky. If you yourself live to be at least seventy, consider yourself lucky. The Bible gives us seventy years to live, which means anything on top of that is bonus. We live only to die in the end, making it a part of life. To me, that is not sad. What is sad is people who are dying to live rather than living to die. Life is precious and fragile and short, so truly live yours. Allow yourself to have the experience of truly being alive. You think life is hard and not worth the living? Go spend about ten minutes walking through a nusing home, and you'll learn to appreciate it and to complain a little less. Being that close to death allows you to see life more clearly.
Friday, September 16, 2005
The Off Chance
As a Christian who is daily experiencing the blessings of Christ and the joy of being one of his children, it is hard for me to believe that anyone would not seek him out for those reasons alone. However, even trying to look at salvation and the existence of God objectively, I find it hard to believe that all would not come to Christ. For instance, it seems as though they would believe in Christ on the off chance that he does exist. After all, nothing bad happens to you if you die and find out that there is no God. For if there is no God, there is no afterlife and you do not have an eternal soul so you just return to dust and there is nothing more of you, which would not be a painful process. However, if you die to find out that there is a God and that his Son was meant to be your Savior, your only ticket to heaven, yet he is not, you will then be relegated to an enternity of separation from that God and Savior you refused to acknowledge, leaving your eternal soul to continously writhe in misery.
I'm Not Smoking Rock, but I Know the Rock
Most people that have been around me thinking I'm smoking rock. In other words, I am so happy that they think I must be on some sort of drugs. However, that's not the case at all. In fact, the strongest thing I am on is caffeine. For the most part, I don't even take Tylenol or Aspirin. I think the reason that I am so happy is because I have the truth rock in my life. That rock is Jesus Christ, and he is the only foundation upon which you can build anything of value. I tend to think of happiness as having a sufficient amount of everything that you need, not lacking in anything, but not having anything in excess either. This is what the Lord promises us. He promises us that his grace will be sufficient for us, and that he will never allow us to be burdened with more than we can bear. In addition, he promises us that he will provide us a way out so that we will be able to stand up under our burdens. Happiness is not the absence of difficulty, problems, or struggle in life. Those things are guaranteed. Besides, "too much sunshine in life makes a desert." I tend to think of life in terms of comparisons. For instance, no matter what is happening to me at this present moment there is always a whole host of things that I am thankful are not happening to me. I truly do believe that there is always something to be thankful for and "that there is nothing that can happen that is so bad that good may not come of it." A little exercise that seems to keep me happy on a daily basis is when things don't exactly go my way and I'm not exactly having the best of days is to think of how it could have been worse. I do this even in the most miniscule of circumstances. For instance, I spilled my drink all over my shirt and I thought well that's not all that bad because I still have time to go back home and change. I got stuck in traffic and I thought well it could be worse because I could be the car involved in the wreck that is backing up traffic. Now that is a compartively worse day than mine.
Earlier I mentioned how happiness is having just enough of everything. This can also be carried down to the most ordinary aspects of your daily life and bring you a smile. For example, you go to brush your teeth and you have just enough toothpaste left to brush with or it's lunch time and you have four bucks in your console with which to get a hamburger. I don't know but little stuff like that always makes me happy. On the other hand, it's also important not to have too much of anything, even wealth. For instance, Jesus tells us, "it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter heaven." This is because his wealth ties him too much to this world and makes him love the world and money more than he does God. It is important to have some degree of strife in our lives so that we never forget how truly fragile life is and how dependent upon God that we are. After all, the Bible tells us that we are but a breath. Besides, if things went too terribly well for us in this world we would most likely think we could do things all on our own and that we did not need God. "A man's reach should exceed his grasp, or what's a heaven for?" In other words, we would love this world too much and forfeit our very souls for it.
We should never expect anything of this world to make us happy or to satifsy our seemingly unfathomable longing. We are not of this world. We were created with eternal souls that long to be with their Creator. This world is the kingdom of the devil so it is place of evil and sin and pain, and the devil will do his best to make sure that you continue to experience these things. In fact, by assuring your misery, he will assure your seperation from your Father in Heaven. The devil does not mind if you have temporary happiness, the kind that is found by amusing ourselves with the sinful things of this world such as sex, money, and drugs. However, he will do everything in his power to make sure that you do not find true and lasting happiness, which can only be experienced by those who are continously fellowshipping with their Lord and Savior.
Earlier I mentioned how happiness is having just enough of everything. This can also be carried down to the most ordinary aspects of your daily life and bring you a smile. For example, you go to brush your teeth and you have just enough toothpaste left to brush with or it's lunch time and you have four bucks in your console with which to get a hamburger. I don't know but little stuff like that always makes me happy. On the other hand, it's also important not to have too much of anything, even wealth. For instance, Jesus tells us, "it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter heaven." This is because his wealth ties him too much to this world and makes him love the world and money more than he does God. It is important to have some degree of strife in our lives so that we never forget how truly fragile life is and how dependent upon God that we are. After all, the Bible tells us that we are but a breath. Besides, if things went too terribly well for us in this world we would most likely think we could do things all on our own and that we did not need God. "A man's reach should exceed his grasp, or what's a heaven for?" In other words, we would love this world too much and forfeit our very souls for it.
We should never expect anything of this world to make us happy or to satifsy our seemingly unfathomable longing. We are not of this world. We were created with eternal souls that long to be with their Creator. This world is the kingdom of the devil so it is place of evil and sin and pain, and the devil will do his best to make sure that you continue to experience these things. In fact, by assuring your misery, he will assure your seperation from your Father in Heaven. The devil does not mind if you have temporary happiness, the kind that is found by amusing ourselves with the sinful things of this world such as sex, money, and drugs. However, he will do everything in his power to make sure that you do not find true and lasting happiness, which can only be experienced by those who are continously fellowshipping with their Lord and Savior.
Thursday, September 15, 2005
Christians Are a Damned Mess
Christians are human. They are just like anyone else. They have the same sinful desires and just like everyone else, yes, they still sin. Christians are in no way perfect. In fact, the only way in which they are different from anyone else, the thing that separates them from the rest of the world, is that they have acknowledged Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. They have said, "Lord, I can't make it on my own. I need you to come into my life and fix me because I am a damned mess." Furthermore, Christians are forgiven for their sins so that they no longer have to be separated from God. Jesus has paid the price once and for all. He has paid it for everyone and all anyone has to do to accept this miraculous gift is to ask for it. I went to church last night and the pastor laid it down something like this. "You only have two choices. The price of sin is death and not just death but eternal death, as in you will continously experience death throughout eternity. Because this is the case, someone must pay that price. You can pay it yourself, which means you will spend eternity in hell, separated from God, or you can let Jesus pay it for you and go to heaven."
God-Sized Hole
I think that the reason why people are not happy is because they have a God-sized hole in their lives. He put it in all of us so that we would seek him. It's the reason why people feel unhappy, depressed, lonely, lacking, etc. It's the reason why human beings feel like all is not quite right in the world and why they constantly feel like something is missing or that they are incomplete. This feeling is not limited to non-Christians. People attempt to fill this lacking with a multitude of earthly methods, which sadly will never really do more than address the surface characteritics of the more complex issue. Many individuals feel like success, fame, fortune, sex, relationships, love, therapy, drugs (prescription and non), food, alchohol and any number of other things will "fix" them. They think I will be happy when I get this job, when I get my new car, when that girl goes out with me, when I have my first child, etc.
Most of a human being's focus is inward. What's wrong with me? Why am I unhappy? Who is at fault? The one thing that people do understand is that they are missing something, which is an intimate relationship with their creator and savior, Jesus Christ. Earlier I mentioned that being a Christian does not mean you will not feel an innate lacking. There are many many Christians walking around today who are saved and are going to heaven but who aren't getting to live the life of abundance promised them in the Bible. This is because they don't realize the power that God has to be an active part of your every day life. Our God is a God of details. He says to us, "ask and you will receive, knock and the door will be opened, seek and you shall find." However, nothing will be given to us by our Lord if we do not seek him and do it daily. He gave us free will so that it would be our choice to come to him, and while he waits on us, he cannot bless us until we ask him to. I found a quote from an unknown source that says, "God gives every bird a worm, but he does not throw it into the nest." Basically, that means what my mom has always told, which is that "God will do anything for you but you have to meet him halfway." Meeting God halfway means believing that he has the power to do everything, that his will is best for your life, and that by praying and earnestly seeking Jesus Christ you will experience true peace. I read another quote that says,“When I turned myself over to God, I took my life out of the hands of an idiot.” You have to really learn to put faith in God in order to be happy and to learn how not to worry. This is embodied in this quote: “If you pray for a Cadillac, and God sends a jackass, ride it.” Furthermore, pray unceasingly as the Bible says to and “When you pray, claim what isn’t as if it were, till it becomes.”
There are very few truths in this life, and the greatest and perhaps only truth I know is that Jesus Christ is Lord of all. This means sickness, death, pain, stress, and fear are all under his dominion and that he can rescue you from all of these things.
Most of a human being's focus is inward. What's wrong with me? Why am I unhappy? Who is at fault? The one thing that people do understand is that they are missing something, which is an intimate relationship with their creator and savior, Jesus Christ. Earlier I mentioned that being a Christian does not mean you will not feel an innate lacking. There are many many Christians walking around today who are saved and are going to heaven but who aren't getting to live the life of abundance promised them in the Bible. This is because they don't realize the power that God has to be an active part of your every day life. Our God is a God of details. He says to us, "ask and you will receive, knock and the door will be opened, seek and you shall find." However, nothing will be given to us by our Lord if we do not seek him and do it daily. He gave us free will so that it would be our choice to come to him, and while he waits on us, he cannot bless us until we ask him to. I found a quote from an unknown source that says, "God gives every bird a worm, but he does not throw it into the nest." Basically, that means what my mom has always told, which is that "God will do anything for you but you have to meet him halfway." Meeting God halfway means believing that he has the power to do everything, that his will is best for your life, and that by praying and earnestly seeking Jesus Christ you will experience true peace. I read another quote that says,“When I turned myself over to God, I took my life out of the hands of an idiot.” You have to really learn to put faith in God in order to be happy and to learn how not to worry. This is embodied in this quote: “If you pray for a Cadillac, and God sends a jackass, ride it.” Furthermore, pray unceasingly as the Bible says to and “When you pray, claim what isn’t as if it were, till it becomes.”
There are very few truths in this life, and the greatest and perhaps only truth I know is that Jesus Christ is Lord of all. This means sickness, death, pain, stress, and fear are all under his dominion and that he can rescue you from all of these things.
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