Sunday, October 30, 2005

10 Year Bonus

I have lost two grandparents in seventeen days (same set). However, I have no sadness for I believe them in Heaven and better off now than they were before. Psalm 90 tells us that we get 70 years on this earth, 80 if we have the strength. They both had 80 so I figure that means they both got a ten year bonus. To me, it doesn't get any better than that. I went to my grandma's funeral this weekend and watched people cry for the sadness of my mom and aunt. I did not cry. I figure if I cry for them that does them no good. Instead of casting down tears for them I cast up prayers for them. For I know that the more I pray the sooner God will fix whatever the problem is. "All things work for the good of those who love him."

Jesus is my rock, rock, rock. He taught me how to roll, roll, roll!

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