Thursday, March 30, 2006

I'm God's Puppy

I saw a girl walking her pretty golden lab puppy earlier today. The puppy was excited and wanted to stop and look at everything and experience it all. A little tug on his leash and he was off and running again following behind his master. It seems that we are like this with God. We often get distracted by things along our path that delay us or take us off course. Then, God gives us a little tug to get us refocused on the things that are important. There will be many things you will want to devote your time to that are neither productive nor constructive. Endeavor to keep following behind your master and do not let your excitement of the things of this world delay you or cause you to run ahead of your master who is in heaven. Follow behind him dilligently. Trust that he will let you stop and "sniff" the things that are better than anything you could find on your own. When you experience God's tug on your leash, even if it is a little painful at times, just realize that he is going come on, I've got better things to show you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's awesome. I've never thought of it that way.