Thursday, March 23, 2006


Patience is a virtue. It requires us to give up the one thing that we seem to have the least of and desire the most of and the thing we have no way of getting back once it has been lost: time. I find that I struggle to have patience. I know that my time on earth is but a breath, so I desire to use my time here as well as I can. Therefore, when I am waiting on other people or even God, I, at times, feel like I am wasting my non-renewable resource of time. What I need to remind myself when I feel the sand slipping through the hour glass is that for me and all Christians time is endless. If I truly have faith that upon leaving this world I go to one eternal then there is no such thing as time. I also need to remember that when I feel I am wasting "my" time that it doesn't belong to me at all. Once you acknowledge Jesus as your savior, your time is his time. What we all fail to recognize as Christians is that our time on this earth only has value in as much as it reflects Jesus Christ
To truly show Christ's love to others, put in the time. Do something that someone else wants you to do, something to benefit them or enrich their life in some way in lieu of what your natural tendency inclines you toward. However, do it without saying, "well, I am doing this for you but really I want to be....." No, you must do it whole heartedly and not begrudingly or resentfully. Not easy is it? This is why it's a virtue. You can do this on your own. This has to be done with the power of the Holy Spirit (God's presence in your life).

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